
在機場 之四

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A:Here are your tickets. The baggage claim stubs are attached to them. B:Thank you. A:And here is your boarding pass. You board at Gate 12. B:Ok. Is that all? A:No. Please wait here till your luggage goes through the X-ray machine. B:Ok. A:Have a nice flight. B:Thank you. 甲:這裡是你的機票。領取行李的存根就附在上面。 乙:謝謝。 甲:這兒是你的登機證。你在十二號登機門登機。 乙:好的。就這樣嗎? 甲:還沒。請在這裡等你的行李通過X光檢 測機。 乙:好吧。 甲:祝你搭機愉快。 乙:謝謝。 (資料提供:常春藤解析英語雜誌社)(點閱次數:1309)